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Tuesday, February 22, 2022

BCA V Sem Regular Practical List Dec 2021

1. Practical file of BCA V Sem Regular

Subject Name & Code :- Oracle 8i (BCA-505)- 50 marks.

Q.1 Write all commands of Data Definition and Data Manipulation language with syntax.

Q.2 Write a queries using  5 SQL functions.

Q.3 Write a query to create a table in database.

Q.4 Write a query to insert data in database table.

Q.5 Write a query to set primary key in table.

Q.6 Write a query to add coloum in a table using Alter command.

Q.7 Write a query to delete table using Drop command.

Q.8 Write a query to display the record using Select command.

Q.9 Write a query to delete rows from a table using Truncate command.

Q.10 Write a query to display records from two tables using Select command.

2. Practical file of BCA V Sem Regular

Subject Name & Code :- Practical in Advance Java (BCA-506)- 80  marks.

Q.1 Write a java program of connectivity with MS Access with DSN.

Q.2 Write a java program of connectivity with MS Access without DSN.

Q.3 Write a java program to create a table in database.

Q.4 Write a java program to insert data in database table.

Q.5 Write a java program to updating record in a database table.

Q.6 Write a java program of for loop using JSP.

Q.7 Write a java program of JDBC using JSP.

Q.8 Write a java program to demostrate the concept of servlet life cycle.

Q.9 Write a java program of JDBC using Servlet.

Q.10 Write a java program to display message using Java Bean.

Note:- Both Practical files are to be write in college practical file with output and after completion submit til 04 march 2022.