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Tuesday, February 22, 2022

PGDCA I Sem Regular Practical List Dec 2021

Practical file of PGDCA I Sem Regular

Subject Name & Code :- Programming Lab on 102, 103 & 104 (PGDCA-106)- 50 marks.

Q.1 How installation of hardware and software is done?

Q.2 What is MS Window? Give various version of its.

Q.3 How can we start MS Word in our computer?

Q.4 Explain the process of creating presentation in MS Power Point.

Q.5 What is the basic structure of C Program?

Q.6 What is Data type in C language? Explain different categories of data type.

Q.7 Write the program to print the following pattern in C Language-


*   *

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Q.8 What is Variable in C language? Explain it with syntax and example.

Q.9 Explain the computer system with block diagram?

Q.10 What is Logic Gate? Explain their types with notations and truth tables.

Note:-Practical file is to be write in college practical file with output and after completion submit til 04 march 2022.

BCA V Sem Regular Practical List Dec 2021

1. Practical file of BCA V Sem Regular

Subject Name & Code :- Oracle 8i (BCA-505)- 50 marks.

Q.1 Write all commands of Data Definition and Data Manipulation language with syntax.

Q.2 Write a queries using  5 SQL functions.

Q.3 Write a query to create a table in database.

Q.4 Write a query to insert data in database table.

Q.5 Write a query to set primary key in table.

Q.6 Write a query to add coloum in a table using Alter command.

Q.7 Write a query to delete table using Drop command.

Q.8 Write a query to display the record using Select command.

Q.9 Write a query to delete rows from a table using Truncate command.

Q.10 Write a query to display records from two tables using Select command.

2. Practical file of BCA V Sem Regular

Subject Name & Code :- Practical in Advance Java (BCA-506)- 80  marks.

Q.1 Write a java program of connectivity with MS Access with DSN.

Q.2 Write a java program of connectivity with MS Access without DSN.

Q.3 Write a java program to create a table in database.

Q.4 Write a java program to insert data in database table.

Q.5 Write a java program to updating record in a database table.

Q.6 Write a java program of for loop using JSP.

Q.7 Write a java program of JDBC using JSP.

Q.8 Write a java program to demostrate the concept of servlet life cycle.

Q.9 Write a java program of JDBC using Servlet.

Q.10 Write a java program to display message using Java Bean.

Note:- Both Practical files are to be write in college practical file with output and after completion submit til 04 march 2022.