1. Practical file of BCA IV Sem Regular
Subject Name & Code :- Data Strcture using C++ (BCA-403)- 50 marks.
Q.1 Write a program of array traversing.
Q.2 Write a program to implement Stack operation using array.
Q.3 Write a program to implement Queue operation using array.
Q.4 Write a program which create binary search tree.
Q.5 Write a program to implement Search operation using array.
Q.6 Write a program to implement recursion technique.
Q.7 Write a program to sort array element using ascending and descending order .
Q.8 Write a program to converting infix expression into postfix.
Q.9 Write a program to implement merge sort.
Q.10 Write a program to implement bubble sort.
Note:- Practical file is to be type in ms word format with output screen and after completion send it on email id- srsmv.bca@gmail.com til June 2021.